Are you working for your gold watch? Many years ago that was a pinnacle of someone’s career. In today’s day and age, there is no known security for your future or that of your company. What if you decided to do what Steve Jobs did with Apple? Create your own future.
There has never been a better time in known history for creating your life by design. In a world that celebrates celebrities, the reality is that each one of us can be a celebrity in our own world by being our best. There’s no competition for being you, other than your own mindset. With our world so connected, your gifts and talents can be shared globally in an instant.
With that being said, in this life we do have a limited amount of time. With your time, will you create someone else’s future or your own? Will you spend your life comparing yourself to others or work on you? I recently made the decision to get out of a job I was in that had many parts in line with my gifts and talents, and that was creating a future. What I realized was that most of the time I was spending on areas that were not in line with my expertise which I allowed to take away from me being my best me. That’s not to say I couldn’t have adjusted and stayed with the job. I’m not blaming the job for my choices.
It was not an easy decision and I don’t recommend leaving your job to everyone. For me, since I’ve made that decision it has provided more clarity and focus, with doors of opportunity opening I never would have found if I would have stuck with conventional wisdom or the gold watch mentality. I had developed habits of being that were not creating my best me.
Here’s my point that I want you to remember every time you look at your watch or the time. Every moment you’re creating something. Is what you’re doing this moment taking you in your direction of choice or have you left that up to someone else’s choice. Either way, that itself is a choice and this moment you can choose your direction. It’s time!