The Dead of Winter

  Do you ever feel like your life is in a dead zone? Like you’re in the middle of a gray, cold spell and there seems to be no sign of sun in the near future? Maybe you live in the sun, but inside it seems cold and gloomy. Meanwhile, you take a quick scroll through social media and are struck by how everyone else in the world seems to be on a sunny beach. NO? Just me? What if you embraced the beauty of every season? …even the gloomy gray. What if there was something growing from what seems dead for you, in this forest of feelings? When you slow down and take a closer look, maybe you’ll just find that there is magic in this moment, in every...
Peace in the moment…

Peace in the moment…

Our lives can look crazy and chaotic and it’s so easy to get caught up in it. The natural tendency seems to be that it’s something outside of ourselves. What I am learning is that it’s always my view and my filter. No matter how crazy this world or that “someone else”, it’s always from within that frames it. Can you take a moment right now to have peace? Go ahead. Give it a shot! This moment is the best time to have it. Enjoy! …the win is...
Tunnel Vision

Tunnel Vision

Many times we hear tunnel vision almost as a negative, maybe not aware of perceptions that could provide a broader spectrum. When Googled, the definitions that came up are: defective sight in which objects cannot be properly seen if not close to the center of the field of view. Synonyms are: narrow focus, concentration, fixation, narrow-mindedness, close-mindedness. Informally: the tendency to focus exclusively on a single or limited goal or point of view. What’s your tunnel? Just as blinders on a horse keeps them focused on the win removing distractions, your chosen vision or tunnel can keep you from the numerous distractions that show up almost every moment. I encourage you to get into your tunnel. Get so engaged with your purpose that anything peripheral does not get you off path. Here’s how you can get tunnel vision. Take the time to see clearly what your ideal life is. What’s a win for you? Without this, it’s way too easy to get pulled into someone else’s vision and off track with yours. Write down what your ideal life or win is for you. This brings further clarity. Look at your written vision or tunnel in the morning to start your day and several times throughout the day. Finally, whenever you look at your tunnel, feel the feelings associated with winning, or accomplishing the life of your dreams. It only takes a moment to get off course. Develop clarity in your life to where your tunnel takes you right to your destination of choice, …every moment of every day! Thanks Harald Hohendorf for the great...

It’s Time

Are you working for your gold watch? Many years ago that was a pinnacle of someone’s career. In today’s day and age, there is no known security for your future or that of your company. What if you decided to do what Steve Jobs did with Apple? Create your own future. There has never been a better time in known history for creating your life by design. In a world that celebrates celebrities, the reality is that each one of us can be a celebrity in our own world by being our best. There’s no competition for being you, other than your own mindset. With our world so connected, your gifts and talents can be shared globally in an instant. With that being said, in this life we do have a limited amount of time. With your time, will you create someone else’s future or your own? Will you spend your life comparing yourself to others or work on you? I recently made the decision to get out of a job I was in that had many parts in line with my gifts and talents, and that was creating a future. What I realized was that most of the time I was spending on areas that were not in line with my expertise which I allowed to take away from me being my best me. That’s not to say I couldn’t have adjusted and stayed with the job. I’m not blaming the job for my choices. It was not an easy decision and I don’t recommend leaving your job to everyone. For me, since I’ve made that decision it has provided more...

Bring it!

Where is your energy focused? Wherever that is you’ll get more of it. Consider the thought that your energy is a vibration or frequency that picks up whatever you’re putting down …so to speak. Whatever thoughts and emotions you decide to focus or keep your mind on, you’re going to get more of. We may not choose the thoughts or feelings that come in, however we can decide what to do with them. I challenge you to develop your mindset of “Bring it”. Know that whatever you’re giving your attention to, you will get more of and as you create your life, decide what you are going to bring. It truly is a decision. You want summa this? Whatever your “this” is you intend to have …BRING IT! …photo found at ~ I think I’ll work out...

Life is Risky!

I recently made the decision to give up a great job that I’d allowed to drain me. I’m not going to blame the job. I take full responsibility. Now that I’ve been out for a week, I can look back and see many things I could have done that would have produced a different, possibly more positive outcome. During my time at this job, I could see those things and still was not able to pull it all together to create the outcome that I believe is needed for that role. I decided it wasn’t for me. When I made the decision to let go, it was a gut decision. Although I’d gone over how I could make it better and definitely made the effort, in my heart I knew I wasn’t the best for the job. As I’m looking ahead to possibility, I definitely have my moments of doubt. Thoughts that I should have just stuck it out until my daughter graduated from college, or until we were in a much better place financially, along with many other feelings or should haves. I choose not to let those thoughts linger. I took a risk, and now I’m living with the consequences. I’ve seen some of the safest people get knocked sideways from circumstances beyond their control and I’ve seen hair-brained decisions made that turned out for the best. So what’s the lesson here? I’ve made the decision, right or wrong, to venture out into an unknown. In my heart I knew it was right, which doesn’t necessarily mean it was the best or that it was right. Only time and...