Making Bad

Making Bad

We live in a society that focuses on the winners and our human nature tends to make us want to avoid mistakes or looking bad. We’ve likely all heard the stories that now seem cliche of Michael Jordan, Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Edison all failing their way to success, but what about us? What if you just accepted bad? I’m not talking about Breaking Bad, I’m talking about being okay with bad. How about for the next presentation, project or task that you’ve possibly been putting off until greatness you decided just to be bad …and okay with it? I’ve had many Toastmaster presentations that I’m sure kept the audience grimacing, …and I’ve heard a few. Then I see the progress! I challenge you to step into your badness today! Through this you’ll discover that you truly are a badass! Join some badass presenters who have embraced their badness at PS – If you were offended by the term badass, I did not direct the term to any particular breed of donkey or mule....
Are you dreaming?

Are you dreaming?

That question can be asked in several different tones. One from the perspective of “get real”, and the other asking in a way that is challenging you to really dream big. I’m in a position in my life where I’ve stepped out of a role that provided some comforts and am now stepping into the unknown. This is not something I’d recommend for everyone and my outcome will speak for itself. I’ll be sharing this journey with you with the intent of providing you hope, purpose, passion, and success now, from wherever you find yourself. I’m writing this from Huntington Beach, CA. The photo is from my balcony and it’s beautiful here. I’ll be attending a Luxury Homes Retreat with my company Keller Williams who I’d just given notice last week that I’m resigning my position as CEO of an office. One of my reasons for resigning, was that I felt I was not as effective as I needed to be for that role and I was not being fair to myself or the company to continue. Good enough was not enough, and I had to make the decision to either press through and make it work, or come from a different angle. I decided to follow my instinct and take the path that to many, may not make sense both financially and from the perspective of having my future planned out. I have written a musical, interactive program called Super Shooz, where you step into the Shooz of the Super Hero you’re designed to be. I felt like I was not authentically following my own program, living my purpose....


We are bombarded with choices the moment we wake up. Are you consciously choosing and directing your energy to be your best every day? Here’s a quick tip. Take the time to decide what you’re creating. Most are driven by habits, urgency (mostly someone else’s) and fear. How about if you started from fully appreciating you and think about what life you want to create. What would that look and feel like. See how long you can be present with that. Is it just seconds? Can you develop the ability to see more of that? When you’re feeling overloaded, take the time to breathe, see and feel your life of choice. Take a day out of your everyone else’s overload and join some amazing thought leaders on May 7th, at #ThatCuriosityThing Also a recommended resource for unleashing your potential is Dr. Joe Dispenza’s book Breaking The Habit of Being Yourself: How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New...